Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Obligatory First Post

So, a couple of weeks ago I came to the realization that the midsummer doldrums had finally set in, and somewhere along the way they had completely gutted my office. People were dropping like flies to vacations, weddings, and "personal days". I had just come through an INSANELY busy work season and, with no real time off in the foreseeable future, I had no qualms with downshifting into cruise control for a couple of weeks.

This is not to say that there wasn't work to be done. There is and always will be a file pile to contend with, an invoice to pay, an email to compose, a phone call to return. But my necessary daily duties had decreased so considerably, that I entertained the notion of starting a blog...just so I would have something to occupy my time, and because...well, when you work in an office, typing = "Don't bother me. I'm very busy doing important work."

I logged on to Blogger and started playing around with blog names. After several names that I searched were taken, my fingers blurted out
Don't Let My Boss Find This and clicked "Search". The name was available, and seemed to fit with my whole impetus for starting a blog in the first place so...voila!

I thought long and hard about what I wanted to blog about. What did I have to say that would add something to the blogosphere that someone else wasn't already saying? The answer is probably a whole lot of nothing, which is why my blog sat here, sans postings, for a good while.

My friends who know me know that I am not one to bite my tongue. I say what I think, and I'm usually able to articulate my opinions without this blogger's block felt strange and uncomfortable.

As I whiled away day after day at my desk, checking in with my favorite websites over and over and over, just praying for someone to post something new, I realized I had PLENTY to say about other people's blogs. Praises, criticisms, suggestions for improvement, plaudits for creativity. apropos to use
Don't Let My Boss Find This to discuss the multitude of ways that I find to waste time between 9:30am and 6pm Eastern. A blog about blogs. How meta.

Since I follow a healthy handful of blogs on a regular basis, I feel confident that I have at least a couple of weeks of postings before I run out of material and will have to start scouring the internet for new ways to fritter away the day. But there's a whole world wide web out there to splash around in so, I think we'll be okay.

Thus...the obligatory first post was born.

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